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Skin care is everything

Healthy skin is the first step to achieving flawless makeup. Like most things you need to establish a good base in which to work on. My new years resolution is to make my skin healthier than ever, and here is some tips on how I am going to do it...

1. Drink plenty of water

Now I know this is basic but it is vital in creating healthy glowing skin especially after the amount of alcohol consumed new year. It is something many of us don't do enough of (guilty) even though it's so simple and has so many health benefits, so why don't we drink more water?

2. Porefecting your skin

Many of us suffer with black and white heads in our problem areas, often in the T-zone as it is typically the most oily surface on the face. To try and combat these face demons I use a electronic face brush/ exfoliator 1-2 a day. I am currently using the clinique sonic system purifying cleansing brush with the clinque rinse-off foaming cleanser. However, a good dupe for this is the No7 cleansing brush and the simple facial wash that costs a fraction of the price. Another solution is the Aztec Secret Indian Health Healing clay. This face mask will leave your skin looking black head free, however it is drying but thats nothing a good moisturiser cannot fix.

3. Chocolates manufacture... SPOTS

Now everyone is going to get spots from time to time, some more than others and it could be due to a number of different things. From a bad diet to that time of the month but inevitably everyone gets spots. Tea tree oil is amazing at fighting these bad boys away using the tiniest amount. I dip a cotton bud into my body shop tea tree oil and place it on the problem area and over night the spot will have decreased significantly in redness, maybe even disappeared all together.

4. Moisturise

This is so important, no one wants crusty flakey looking skin under their makeup. Even a person with the worlds most oily skin needs to moisturise to reap the benefits! I use benefits total moisture cream on my entire face and follow with clinique's all about eyes, eye treatment. This combination keeps my skin feeling moisturised but any moisturiser that suits your skin will do.

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